Sunday, March 14, 2010

spring forward, fall on your face

so remember how i was sick. turns out it was e. coli. i got the lab results right as i was feeling better. it was just a little bit of e. coli. i did feel a sense of accomplishment because i 1) exterminated e. coli without antibiotics and 2) you know your medical spanish is getting solid (no pun intended) when you can get the results of your stool sample tests over the phone in spanish. while i was on the phone i was thinking "damn, i know the word for leukocytes, i am the coolest." i was also thinking "nice lab lady, you looked at my poop." that's pretty much the end of the story.

the other two bunnies died the morning after christina aguilera. no broken legs or anything, just dead. sad. we now have three little bunny graves under the avocado tree, marked with little round rocks. now that we have buried things in the backyard we have really lived here. the only thing i can consistently keep alive is the compost pile, but to my credit, it is thriving. also we have a grill made out of a hubcap, and that means we live here too.

this week at work, i was limboing at the daycare, and after clearing the bar i hurdled forward and fell down and ripped my pants and cut my knee. and guess who thought it was hilarious? all of the small children. cause that's how dedicated i am to bringing joy to children. i have two weeks left here and then i fly away to dc. please eliminate all vestiges of winter.

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